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3 out of 10 Chronic Pain Patients use Cannabis to Manage Pain

What the cannabis industry has known for awhile, has just been backed up with data. People suffering with chronic pain are turning to cannabis in a big way!

The JAMA Network surveyed a cross-sectional sample of adults 18+ with chronic pain across 36 states (and Washington D.C.) with active medical cannabis programs, from March to April 2022.

The study showed 31% of participants report using cannabis to manage their chronic pain - a whopping 3 out of 10 people!

More than half of participants who use cannabis to manage pain reported that it led to a decrease in opioid and over-the-counter medications. Less than 1% increased their use of these substances, with cannabis.

The authors wrote, “The high degree of substitution of cannabis with both opioid and nonopioid treatment emphasizes the importance of research to clarify the effectiveness and potential adverse consequences of cannabis for chronic pain. Our results suggest that state cannabis laws have enabled access to cannabis as an analgesic treatment despite knowledge gaps in use as a medical treatment for pain.”

Do you need to get your cannabis product in front of people who could use it? Let's Talk!

CanDu is the U.S.’s premiere performance-based media agency for multi-state operators, cannabis brands, and other canna-businesses. We combine traditional media & digital tactics to measure the impact of advertising. As the only cannabis agency with large scale national TV experience, we’re ready to run when the FCC approves cannabis for on-air broadcasting. Do you need help reaching canna consumers, and tracking ad performance? Message us here, or email


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